Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pokémon Go Is Here!

Now who says that this 50-year-old mama can't Pokémon Go? If you've been following my blog for awhile now, you know that I like techie stuffs and yes, I'm somewhat geeky.

Because of how I love computer games when I was young, I introduced my daughter to them when she was only 2. She started out with Freddi Fish and Jump Start. At that such young age, she already knew how to install the software because she already knew how to read words like -- yes, no, next, back, install, agreement, decline, agree, finish. But this is a different story for next time. My focus today is about how we got so "geeked" out over this new game, Pokémon Go.

Pokémon Go is a mobile app that requires players to use their smartphones' GPS and back-facing cameras to "actively" find and catch virtual pokémon in real world locations. 

Before Pokémon Go, I was playing Ingress. Ingress is an active game in the sense that you have to actually move around in order to capture a Portal and harvest the energy. A player must physically go to a location, travel a specific pathways, get close to a monument, and other specific routes dictated by the game. Again, that's another topic to discuss some other time.

So okay, one hour after Pokémon Go became available in the US for iOS and Android, my daughter and I downloaded it while we were still at the gas station. Yep, I was getting gas and forgot to put my cap back on because I got too excited with this game. We were waiting for it almost a century, I mean all day, because the launching was a bit rocky where it started out in Australia and New Zealand.
Every time we tried downloading the app, it would say "unavailable in your country."
So you see how excited we were when it started downloading and it opening up for us to play the game. But wait, we were still at the gas station with the clerk staring at us because we were parked right next to the gas thingy, so we moved forward to park at the parking stall ... and ooops, stop to put the gas cap back on and proceeded to catch our first pokémon!
While collecting pokéballs from one of the pokéstops.
This will be a very interesting week for me as I explore the Pokémon Go world wherever I go. I will be walking around in our front office, the warehouse, in our house, at the park nearby, the grocery store, the gas station, the theater, the church, and maybe even in a restaurant with my smartphone to find a pokéstop to get more pokéballs and locate more pokémon that may be lurking in the corner and catch 'em all!!!